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Portage Beekeepers Field Day and Bear Talk!

From Geoff Westefeld, President of Portage County Beekeepers:

I am hoping you guys can get the word out to your membership that I will be doing a talk for the Portage County Beekeepers on May 19th at our Field Day at 1pm at the Portage County Soil and Water office about bears in Ohio (and a few other 4-legged critters, but mostly on bears) and how to best deal with them regarding apiary management. Being a wildlife biologist with a focus on wildlife damage management and a beekeeper I am hoping to bring a unique perspective to the talk. And being that bear movement will start at the end of May it is a very timely talk.

Our Field Day is open to the public so folks from other clubs are welcome to attend our Field Day free of charge. However, we also do a pot luck that day where the club provides the main dish and everyone attending brings a side dish/dessert so I would appreciate it if they could RSVP with me by May 13th at so that we can ensure we have enough food. We will also be doing a hive inspection, weather permitting, of our apiary that day for those interested. Information on the event, including location, can be found on our website under the "Calendar" section at

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Stark County Beekeepers Association

PO Box 133

Massillon, OH 44646-9998

© 2022 by Stark County Beekeepers Association

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